Coordinated Council Committees Meeting


Jan 27, 2025 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm



Zoom Meeting
n/a, MA 00000


Join us for our monthly Coordinated Council Committees Meeting

The Coordinated Council Committees meeting will take place, generally on the fourth Monday of each month, at 7:00 pm for approximately 90-mintes. This is a time to meet jointly with four primary objectives: (1) share council-wide updates, (2) allow council and district members working on similar operational tasks to collaborate in a breakout session, (3) share significant committee initiatives with one another across operational committees council-wide, and (4) provide closing district specific breakouts.

Join Zoom Meeting
Dial In: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 849 8829 7824
Passcode: 549340

Individual groups may, and will likely need to, meet in addition to this. However, this meeting is intended to reduce the repetition of updates shared by volunteers and staff previously at several individual meetings throughout each month spread over the four counties of western Massachusetts. It is also intended to best utilize our council's staff time given our current staffing model, which no longer includes district executives.

Members of each district committee and those on one of the district/council functional committees (or leading one of their upcoming activities/events) are asked to attend, though all are welcome.

The functional committee breakouts at this time include:

  1. Fund Development
  2. Membership
  3. Program: Activities and Civic Service (camporee/Klondike, Cub Fun Day/Yukon, Pinewood Derby, etc.)
  4. Program: Advancement and Recognition
  5. Program: Outdoor Programs (Summer camp, WHOA and related committees, ie. ATV, Aquatics, Shooting Sports, Climbing, etc.)
  6. Program: Training