ATV Program

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The ATV Program is geared to encourage safety, citizenship, physical activity, and stewardship for the outdoors.  The program is fully sanctioned and insured by the BSA, and utilizes the aims and methods of Scouting.

ATV Course participants will learn basic techniques for ATV riding & responsibility:

  • Starting
  • Stopping
  • Quick turns
  • Hill riding
  • Swerving
  • Riding over obstacles
  • Circut/trail ride through Moses Scout Reservation

This course is available during Boy Scout Resident Camp and yeear round on weekends to participants ages 14 and older.  All participants will receive a Certificate and T-Shirt.

Age: Riders age 14 and older. No exceptions.
Limits: Weight 250lbs maximum, Height 4’ 6” minimum.
Provided Equipment: Riders are required to wear a helmet, goggles, gloves.
Personal Equipment: Riders are required to wear over-the-ankle boots, long sleeve shirts, and long pants (not gym pants or sweatpants). Refunds will not be available for a failure to have these items.


Rider Safety Course

A course blending riding techniques and classroom in which we teach you to properly ride the ATV.  Following completion, you will be certified to ride the ATVs on the trails with the instructors on any open ride weekends.

TREAD Lightly Program

If you have completed the ATV Rider Safety Course, we will teach you how to "tread lightly" on the trails.  This can be a day or full-weekend program.

Conservation Program

If you have completed the ATV Rider Safety Course, take this opportunity ot learn and work on the trails.  With this program you will work on maintaining the trails and develop more that we can use in the future.

Join Us

We are always looking for help with maintaining the ATVs.  If you are able to help with the mechanics of vehicle upkeep - oil changes, batteries, etc. contact Donna Perkins to get involved!

If you have gone through the ATV Safety Rider Course, have your certification, and would like to experience riding ATVs to learn about TREAD Lightly and conservation work while trail riding, please contact Donna Perkins.

File Name Description
ATV Program Flyer Download
ATV Consent Form Consent Form for ATV Course participants. (Age 14+) Download
ATV Health & Safety Notice Download
ATV Hold Harmless Agreement Hold Harmless Agreement for ATV Course participants. (Age 14+) Download