WHOA Range and Target Activities
Marksmanship with a firearm or a bow and arrow is a skill aquired with much practice. Whether you are a novice or an expert, we will give you an opportunity to test your skill on our ranges where safety is the utmost priority. Please note that no outside equipment is allowed to be used in this program. Please leave your own equipment at home.

Evidence of the use of this tool for hunting dates back to 20,000 BC. Today, the challenge of hitting a target with a bow and arrow remains a very popular activity. Join us on our very own archery range and test your skills. Even if you have never handled a bow before, we will teach you the basics and give you a chance to hit that ever elusive bullseye. We have equipment for participants of all ages.

BB and Air Rifles
For participants in first grade and older, we have BB guns and air rifles to take the first steps in learning how to safely and responsibly use these firearms. Every session begins with a review of the safety rules as participants, using proper safety equipment, challenge themselves to hit the center of the target.

Black Powder
For participants ages 11 and over, come with us as we travel back in time to the days before metal cartridges, when rifles and pistols required smoky black powder and had to be loaded from the front. Lead balls were made at home and barrels had no rifling. Learn how to properly load and fire these rifles as you seek to hit that elusive target. Watch lead balls and bullets being made as well. Instruction in the proper handling and safety of these firearms will be provided along with the necessary safety equipment.

For participants ages 11 and over, we provide the opportunity to test their skills with 22 rifles. With safety always in mind, instruction in the proper use of this firearm is provided. Come challenge yourself for the first time or hone your skills as you seek to find the center of the target. As with all the shooting sports, every session always begins with a review of the safety rules and proper safety equipment is required.

For participants ages 11 and over with the ability to properly hold the shotgun, the challenge of hitting a moving target is provided on our shotgun range. Every session begins with a review of the safety rules and proper safety equipment will be provided. It is not easy to hit that small orange clay as it flies through the air, so come join us and see what you can do!