WHOA Outdoor Skills

Life at the Heights is easier if you can be comfortable being in the Outdoors. This group of activities centers on various skills that can help you enjoy the great out-of-doors.

Advanced Axemanship

When Colonel Henry Knox passed through camp as he moved the cannon captured at Fort Ticonderoga to Boston, he moved the cannon on wooden sledges. This program will give you an opportunity to learn some advanced axemanship as you work to create a beam needed to construct such a sledge. This program is presented by the Springfield Armory Musem.


Spending time in the outdoors requires proper sustenance and in this program you will get a chance to learn how to prepare a wide variety of foods. Techniques include cooking with a dutch oven, box oven, on various types of stoves and even without any utensils at all! You may be surprised at how well you can eat when away from your home kitchen. Join us and see what is possible!


The art of fishing is as old as mankind's need to survive. Whether from the shore, our fishing docks or in a boat, you will have an opportunity to work on your skill at catching fish from our 86-acre lake. Learn from expert fisherman how ot land that special catch.


Geocaching has become a very popular activity that can be shared with the entire family. We have a number of caches placed around the Heights that are not available to the general public. Join us on most WHOA days for this great activity. Download the following two files to be ready to tackle this program.

Geocaching Guidelines



Before the GPS system was available, navigation in the outdoors was handled using a compass. Orienteering is an opportunity to hone your skills with a compass. Not sure how to use one? We will provide some basic instruction before you head out to find those elusive markers placed throughout the Heights.


Can you build a fire to keep yourself warm should you become lost in the outdoors? Do you know how to build a shelter to make it safely through the night? These are some of the skills that will be offered at various times on WHOA days. While most of us will never need to use such skills, knowing what to do if something happens is the best way to be prepared.