WHOA Boating

Our 86-acre lake provides plenty of opportunity to learn and practice boating skills. Participants ages 5 - 10 will be required to be accompanied in the boat by an adult. All persons in a watercraft will be required to wear a personal flotation device (provided) at all times! Safety personnel will be on the lake to assist if you have any issues.

Swimming Level - Evidence of swimming ability is a must and can be accomplished in a couple of ways:

  • For Scouts and Scouters who have attended summer camp this year, bring your buddy tag or the unit's list with swim classifications and present it to the waterfront staff.
  • For anyone, take the BSA swim test:
    • Swim three lengths of the dock using any stroke on your front.
    • Swim one length of the dock on your back.
    • Float for a minute on your back
  • Otherwise you will classified as a nonswimmer and restricted to using a rowboat.



One of the most popular watercraft, two or three people can enjoy a trip around the lake in one of our canoes. This is a perfect craft for two parents with a small child or one parent with one or two children. 


Another very popular watercraft, these are single person boats and participants will be required to be age 11 or older and must be a swimmer. Participants will be sent out in groups of two or three "buddy boats" and must stay near their buddy at all times.


While less popular than other watercraft, the row boat is large enough to handle two or three people easily and could possibly accommodate a family of four with two smaller children. This is a nice way to get out and enjoy the beauty of the camp as you leisurely row around the lake.