WHOA Bikes and ATVs

With 1,300 acres to explore, it is difficult to get into the back portions of the Heights. Both the ATV and Mountain Biking programs can give you a chance to explore the backcountry.


This program is designed for participants 14 and older. After a short instructional session on safety and how to use the machine, you will have an opportunity to travel to the back country along roads and trails. Long pants and a long sleeve shirt are necesary for this program, so dress accordingly. Only our machines may be used on the property, so please don't bring your own ATV, you will not be allowed to ride it. 

Be sure to download the Consent Form and Hold Harmless Form and bring those filled out to WHOA. This is particularly important for participants between the ages of 14 and 17 since it requires a parent or guardian's signature.

Mountain Biking

This program is open to all participants. At this time, however, we only have bikes for ages 10 and up. If you have your own bike, you may bring it with you and use it. Safety equipment including a helmet is a must at the Heights. If you do not own a helmet, we will provide one for your use. Every bike will be inspected prior to being let out on the trails. This will be an experience to remember as you travel old roads and trails into the backcountry of the Heights.

File Name Description
ATV Program Flyer Download
ATV Consent Form Consent Form for ATV Course participants. (Age 14+) Download
ATV Health & Safety Notice Download
ATV Hold Harmless Agreement Hold Harmless Agreement for ATV Course participants. (Age 14+) Download