310 Birch Hill Rd
Russell, MA 01071
Location Phone: 413-568-0211
WHOA! Activities
Here is the list of the current activities for March. We have two special programs this month presented in concjunction with the staff of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site. This month in particular, there is a strong possiblity that the snow activities may not be held. We will make substitutions as we get closer to the date.
- All Ages
- Ages 5 - 10

WHOA! Yukon Challenge
You can earn this special Yukon Challenge patch by participating in 3 out of the 5 following winter activties: Ice Fishing, Ice Harvest (Jan only), Snow Shelters, Show Shoeing, Sugar Shack Hike (Feb and Mar only). You may participate in these activities over any of the three dates, they do not have to be completed in one day. Just keep your scorecard and bring it with you until it is complete. Note: One per person.