National Jamboree Trip


Jul 17, 2023 to Jul 29, 2023



Summit Bechtel Reserve
2550 Jack Furst Dr
GLen Jean, WV 25846


Notice regarding new registrations to attend - January 19, 2023

  • Our girl troop has 2 spots remaining as of this posting.
  • Our boy troop is full, however we will help connect you to a nearby council's group to attend and place you on our waiting list if there are any cancellations locally. Please reachout directly to Greg Williams, council program director for assistance. 

What is the National Jamboree?

Scouting’s flagship event is coming and you don’t want to miss it! For 10 days, the Boy Scouts of America comes together for a gathering of thousands of Scouts, leaders, and staff that showcases everything that is great about the BSA and its members. The result is the National Scout Jamboree.

Scouts and Scouters will have all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, one of the longest zip lines in North America, pioneer village, Garden Ground hikes, adventure sports, patch trading, and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest Scouting venues: Summit Bechtel Reserve.

Jamboree is a fantastic experience to learn, meet new friends from around the country, explore new skills and have an experience of a lifetime!

The BSA National Jamboree is held at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Wild & Wonderful West Virginia.

Below is a shortlist of the Jamboree activities that await you:

  • 5 miles of zip lines and challenge courses
  • 36 miles of mountain biking trails and BMX tracks
  • 13 acres of shooting sports ranges (shotgun, rifle, and archery)
  • Whitewater rafting, kayaking, and paddleboarding
  • Climbing walls and repelling
  • Skateboarding
  • STEM activities and merit badge opportunities
  • Patch trading and making friends with Scouts and Venturers from across the country and around the world
  • Group and individual leadership training
  • Wi-Fi-enabled outdoor experience (Wi-Fi covers the Summit camping and activity areas)
  • World-class entertainment at sub-camp shows
  • High energy festive atmosphere

Western Massachusetts Contingent Leadership

  • Contingent Leaders
    • Tim McMahon, Contingent Leader and Scoutmaster of the Boy Troop
      • Christopher Cekovsky, Assistant Scoutmaster
      • Brian Patrick, Assistant Scoutmaster
      • Alexander Gaugh, Assistant Scoutmaster
      • Darrin Adams, Assistant Scoutmaster
    • Jodie Gaugh, Scoutmaster of the Girl Troop
      • Kate Morrissey, Assistant Scoutmaster
      • Sherri Masiolek, Assistant Scoutmaster
  • Jamboree Committee Chair
    • Mike Callahan
  • Jamboree Staff Advisor
    • Greg Williams

Western Massachusetts Contingent Fee

$2,500, then $2,800 after November 1, 2022

  • $500.00 deposit due at registration, $250 monthly installments starting September 2022.
  • Fundraising opportunities will be available
  • Includes:
    • National Jamboree Fee ($1285/$1,500) - includes 10 days of adventure and meals
    • Tents - available for purchase after the Jamboree.
    • Jamboree Swag (including patches)
    • Transportation to/from the Summit Bechtel on a touring bus.
    • Jamboree Tour including 4 hotel stays at Washington DC tours and Hershey Park
    • Pre-Jamboree Contingent training
    • Troop and Patrol Equipment
    • Not to mention, the Once-In-A-Life-Time experience that a BSA National Jamboree offers!
  • Fundraising opportunities will be available

Western Massachusetts Expected Itinerary (subject to change)

Monday, July 17 Depart from the Western Mass to Washington D.C.

  • Enjoy dinner and an illumination tour of the monuments at night

Tuesday, July 18 Depart from Washington D.C. to Beckley, WV

  • Enjoy half day tour of the city followed by the Jamboree Fellowship Dinner

Wednesday, July 19 Depart from Beckley, WV to the National Jamboree

  • National Jamboree July 19-28

Friday, July 28 Depart from the National Jamboree to Hershey, PA

  • Enjoy evening and next day at Hershey Park

Saturday, July 29 Depart from Hershey to Western Mass

Western Massachusetts Contingent Registration with Deposit


Step 1. Register and pay your $500 deposit for the Western Mass Council contingent on this page -

Step 2: Register on the Jamboree website for National and Council approval at Make sure you are ready to register by making sure you have the basics covered:

  1. BSA membership must be current
  2. Member ID number must be linked in the profile of the registrant's My.Scouting account.
  3. Your current email is on your account.
    • You should log in  here first –create the account if necessary matching it to your BSA profile- as most minors have never utilized this, whereas this is where all adults complete their youth protection training.
  4. Check your email after registering to complete your required disclaimers.
    • Two emails are senT: first a confirmation saying a second email is being sent with instructions on completing the final steps to complete the application, which involves submitting a Disclosure Form online. In the case of a minor, this is sent to the adult listed on their my.scouting account.

Tip: When registering a youth participant, you will need to sign-in using the youth's My.Scouting account.

Note: When registering as a participant, no fees will be collected at the time of registration - all registration fees will be collected by Western Mass Council.


Questions regarding the Western Massachusetts Council Contingent to the 2023 National Jamboree can be directed to Tim McMahon, Contingent Scoutmaster at

The most up-to-date information on the event can always be found at the official 2023 National Jamboree website.

You can check out other great Jamboree videos here.