All in for Scouting (AIFS)

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- MEMBERSHIP: Participated in member recruiting, by submitting and executing a unit recruiting plan (no later than 4/15 for a Spring plan and no later than August 15 for a Fall plan), conduct a StoryWalk® & register a New Member Coordinator (no later than 6/30/24.)
- CAMP: Pack attended a 2024 Day or Resident Camp program as a unit (2+ adults) or 50% of the total youth attend provisionally. Troop/Ship/Crew attended a 2024 Resident Camp or High Adventure program as a unit. For Units to qualify 1 year in three must be at HAMSR.
- UNIT LEADERSHIP: The unit had an adequate number of registered direct contact adults in 2024 to conduct a quality program proportionate to the number of total youths served (1:8+ ratio). There is a succession plan for the Committee Chair and Unit Leader submitted in a reporting tool provided.
- PROGRAM: Unit has a published 2024-2025 planned program calendar that includes one or more District/Council events and has a registered unit adult attend at least four Roundtable meetings. Calendars must be turned into WMC no later than 9/14/24, click here to submit your calendar. (Annual calendars are preferred, but 6 months will be accepted.)
- TRAINING: All 2024 direct contact leaders have completed position-specific training requirements.
- SUSTAINMENT: Met the 2024 per Scout prescribed giving level through any combination of FOS contributions (families and/or unit), Council Product Sales or direct payment from unit to council. (Please note only the Council portion of product sale count for this goal. FOS contribution count dollar for dollar).
- COMMUNITY SERVICE: Enter community service hours the National portal provided in Internet Advancement 2.0.
- Level 1: Horace A. Moses Unit - Achieved all seven of the Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $200 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 2: Leading Unit - Achieved six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $175 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 3: Sustaining Unit - Achieved at least five of Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $150 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product sales or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 1 incentives as a Horace A. Moses Unit (meets 7 of 7 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limitless)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 3X Year, only 1 use of the Training Lodge)
- 3% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 10% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 75% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 100% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 75% rebate on WMC -Cub Fun Days, Yukon Days, District Pinewood Derbies, Camporees, Klondike Derbies
- Level 2 incentives as a Leading Unit (meets 6 of 7 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 6X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 2X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 2% additional added to full popcorn commission {typo of 3% to 2% corrected on 01/17/2024}
- 7% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 50% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 50% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- Level 3 incentives as a Sustaining unit (meets 5 of 7 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 1X per Year, excludes TLodge)
- 1% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 5% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 25% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 25% rebate on all council-run council adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge) {typo of 50% to 25% corrected on 01/17/2024}
- MEMBERSHIP: Participated in the Council Fall Recruiting Drive (Cubs) or held an organized recruitment (Scouts BSA/Venturers/Explorers, Ship), held a StoryWalk & registered a New Member Coordinator.
- CAMP: Pack attended a 2023 Day, Family, or Resident Camp program as a unit (2+ adults) or 50% of the total youth attend provisionally. Troop/Ship/Crew attended a 2023 Resident Camp or High Adventure program as a unit.
- UNIT LEADERSHIP: The unit had an adequate number of registered direct contact adults in 2023 to conduct a quality program proportionate to the number of total youths served (1:8+ ratio). There is a succession plan for the Committee Chair and Unit Leader.
- PROGRAM: Unit has a published 2023-2024 planned program calendar that includes one or more District/Council events and has a registered unit adult attend at least four Roundtable meetings.
- TRAINING: All 2023 direct contact leaders have completed position-specific training requirements.
- SUSTAINMENT: Met the 2023 per Scout prescribed giving level through any combination of FOS contributions (families and/or unit), Council Product Sales or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 1: Horace A. Moses Unit - Achieved all six of the Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $150 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 2: Leading Unit - Achieved five of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $125 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 3: Sustaining Unit - Achieved at least four of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $100 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product sales or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 1 incentives as a Horace A. Moses Unit (meets 6 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limitless)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 3X Year, the cabin of choice)
- 5% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 10% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 75% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 100% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 75% rebate on all annual District Activities
- Level 2 incentives as a Leading Unit (meets 5 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 6X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 2X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 4% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 7% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 50% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 50% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- Level 3 incentives as a Sustaining unit (meets 4 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 1X per Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 3% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 5% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 25% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 50% rebate on all council-run council adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- MEMBERSHIP: Participated in the Council Fall Recruiting Drive (Cubs) or held an organized recruitment (Scouts BSA/Venturers/Explorers), held a StoryWalk & recruited/assigned a New Member Coordinator.
- CAMP: Pack attended a 2022 Day, Family, or Resident Camp program as a unit. Troop/Ship/Crew attended a 2022 Resident Camp or High Adventure program as a unit.
- UNIT LEADERSHIP: The unit had an adequate number of actively participating registered adults in 2022 to conduct a quality program proportionate to the number of youth served. There is a succession plan for the Committee Chair and Unit Leader.
- PROGRAM: Unit has a published 2022-2023 planned program that include one or more District/Council events and Roundtable.
- TRAINING: All 2022 direct contact leaders have completed position-specific training requirements.
- SUSTAINMENT: Met the 2022 per Scout prescribed giving level through any combination of FOS contributions (families and/or unit), Council Product Sales or direct payment from unit to council AND has made a commitment to a 2023 FOS presentation.
- Level 1: Horace A. Moses Unit - Achieved all six of the Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $175 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 2: Leading Unit - Achieved five of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $125 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 3: Sustaining Unit - Achieved at least four of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $75 or more per youth in their unit from FOS, Product sales or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 4: Emerging Unit - Achieved at least three of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $50 or more per youth in their unit from FOS sales, Product Sales, or direct payment from unit to council.
- Level 1 incentives as a Horace A. Moses Unit (meets 6 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limitless)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 4X Year, the cabin of choice)
- 5% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 12% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 100% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 100% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 100% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood badge
- 100% rebate on all annual District Activities
- Level 2 incentives as a Leading unit (meets 5 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 6X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 3X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 4% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 10% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 75% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 75% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 75% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood Badge
- Level 3 incentives as a Sustaining unit (meets 4 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 2X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 3% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 8% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 50% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 50% rebate on all council-run council adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 50% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood Badge
- Level 4 incentives as an Emerging unit (meets 3 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 2% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 5% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 25% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 25% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- MEMBERSHIP: Held a 2021 spring or fall membership recruitment drive.
- CAMP: Unit attended a 2021 Summer Resident or Day Camp program.
- UNIT LEADERSHIP: The unit had an adequate number of actively participating registered adults in 2021 to conduct a quality program proportionate to the number of youth served. There is a succession plan for the Committee Chair and Unit Leader.
- PROGRAM: Unit has a published 2021-2022 planned program that include one or more District/Council events and Roundtable.
- TRAINING: All 2021 direct contact leaders have completed position-specific training requirements and the unit has at least 1 Wood Badge trained leader.
- SUSTAINMENT: Met the 2021 per Scout prescribed giving level through any combination of FOS contributions (families and/or unit) and Council Product Sales AND has made a commitment to a 2022 FOS presentation/contribution and/or Council Product Sale.
- Level 1: Horace A. Moses Unit - Achieved all six of the Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $175 or more per youth in their unit from FOS and/or product sales.
- Level 2: Leading Unit - Achieved five of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $125 or more per youth in their unit from FOS and/or product sales.
- Level 3: Sustaining Unit - Achieved at least four of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $75 or more per youth in their unit from FOS and/or product sales.
- Level 4: Emerging Unit - Achieved at least three of the six Critical Unit Focus Areas and has raised an average of $50 or more per youth in their unit from FOS and/or product sales.
- Level 1 incentives as a Horace A. Moses Unit (meets 6 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limitless)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 4X Year, the cabin of choice)
- 5% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 12% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 100% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 100% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 100% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood badge
- 100% rebate on all annual District Activities
- Level 2 incentives as a Leading unit (meets 5 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 6X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 3X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 4% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 10% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 75% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 75% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 75% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood Badge
- Level 3 incentives as a Sustaining unit (meets 4 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting or Adirondack camping at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 100% rebate on weekend cabin rental at HAMSR (Limit 2X Year, excludes T-Lodge)
- 3% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 8% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 50% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 50% rebate on all council-run council adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
- 50% rebate on 1 Adult Leader attending council-run Wood Badge
- Level 4 incentives as an Emerging unit (meets 3 of 6 criteria):
- 100% rebate on tenting at HAMSR (Limit 4X/Year)
- 2% additional added to full popcorn commission
- 5% rebate off all paid HAMSR Summer Camp registration fees
- 25% rebate on 1 Scout attending council-run NYLT
- 25% rebate on all council-run adult leader training (excludes Wood Badge)
2021 All in for Scouting Background information
Your Council recognizes the unique and severe challenges that COVID–19 has presented to our local units. We understand that at this critical time, our Scouting Units need all the help they can get to Restart, Rebuild and Relaunch their program. Your Council is here to help our Scout units succeed, survive, and thrive as we emerge from this unprecedented worldwide global pandemic. We understand your challenges at the unit level and have put together a comprehensive plan to help you through 2021 and beyond.
After months of speaking with Scout Leaders and reviewing how COVID–19 has affected the program, our volunteers have determined that there are 6 critical areas of unit operations Scouting units need to focus on and execute to restart operations and continue to provide the needed program of Scouting in our communities. Focusing on these 6 critical areas of unit operation will allow Scouting to continue to thrive.
Our 6 Critical Unit Focus Areas are:
- Membership - We will help our units retain existing members and recruit new ones.
- Camp - We are anticipating that we can operate summer camp in 2021, which will be a great way to get your unit back engaged & ready for the fall. There are many exciting changes in our Moses program to share with you, which should make it even more attractive to join us at your camp.
- Unit Leadership – We are assisting you with providing leaders if needed, as well as help you with filling out your adult leader needs.
- Program - We are assisting units by providing year-round programs to make it easier for you to plan your year and take advantage of our help.
- Training – Our training staff has a year-round training program to help unit leaders, both new and experienced. ‘Every Scout deserves a trained leader’.
- Sustainability - We have programs to help you finance your unit’s program, as well as help every Scout have an extended summer camping experience.
Our staff and council volunteers stand ready to help support unit service in all areas of focus. The council’s main goal is to ensure local Scouting is here for all communities of Western Massachusetts, survives, and thrives into the future. The Western Massachusetts Council volunteer Executive Board is here to help you deliver that program.
‘Relaunching Scouting 2021’
Many units are not meeting regularly and have been unable to have activities because of health restrictions. Now that vaccines are being rolled out, we will help you ‘be prepared’ for Scouting in 2021 by following these steps:
Step 1: Preparation: Starting in January of 2021 each unit (in person or virtually) will meet with a member of our unit contact team (this could be a board member, a leader from our Order of the Arrow Lodge, a Commissioner, or staff member). This meeting will be to discuss our 6 Key Unit Focus Areas, our Council offerings for the year, and discuss how to participate and remove barriers your unit may have.
Step 2: Plan: Next, let’s work together to develop your plan for unit participation, including filling in a unit calendar taking advantage of Council programs, activities, training, and your summer camp. Make it easy for your unit by participating in the Council program!
Step 3: Execute: Let’s work together to make this happen through the year. To make it easier for you to achieve your unit plan, we have designed some discounts and incentives you can take advantage of!
Step 4: Evaluate: A year from now, let’s look at our success in 2021 and plan for 2022.
Claiming Rebates: Rebates Requests Forms must be submitted after the successful activity and will be processed at least quarterly. In order to both manage cash flow and be fair to others as many events and rentals have limited capacity, WMC must collect funds in advance of events to minimize the amount of free or discounted participants that might drop out of an event and at the same time have prevented someone else from attending by taking up limited spaces.
File Name | Description | |
Rebate Request Form | Download |